Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Clean Vs. Unclean in the Foods we EAT!

As a health-concious Mamma, I am always attempting to find new ways to "Clean up" our family, esp. nutritionally.
Clean Eating to me means :
  • No artificial ingredients (no chemicals, man -made substances, hard to pronounce words in our food!)We (personally) choose NO pork. Its really a hard-to-digest, unclean protein

  • NO artificial sweeteners, no sodas, high fructose corn syrups. we use raw honey, stevia, organic sugar, etc. 
  • Limit animal proteins. The animal protein we eat is usually goat cheese, cow cheese and strained plain yogurts,tuna, salmon, chicken, turkey, and lean beef. Clean would be Organic, and hormone free, grass fed and free range.
  • In Season produce is what we strive to eat, esp. local organic whenever possible. Raw as much as possible!
  • Choosing whole grains, often Brown rice, brown rice pasta, potatoes, quinoa, oats, & barley
  • Liquid intake is non-bottled, unflourinated, un chlorinated water, teas, coffee, and fresh juice. 
  • We personally avoid animal milk and use Hemp milk , Almond and Coconut milk as main stays in our home.

So in attempt to give some examples of unclean foods and a cleaner alternative, I have created a little list!

UN~ Clean choices:           

Instant flavored oatmeal                    
Doritos (MSG!)                                  
Yoplait Yogurt(HF corn syrup)           
Quaker Granola Bars                         
Fast food french fries                         
Chicken Nuggets                                
traditional cheesecake                 

The Clean Alternatives:
 Quick oats, cooked with added honey and cinnamon
Tortillas with lime salt
Plain greek yogurt with a dash of honey and vanilla
toasted oats w/sliced almonds,sugar,raisins,honey
1 potato.cut/tossed in olive oil,salt,rosemary,baked
Grilled chicken tenders,coated with WholeGrn breadcrumbs
2scp choc whey powder,1tsp p butter,ice,milk,blended
8oz crm cheese,1c plain Greek yog,1tsp honey blended

These are just 8 easy examples of switch-a-roos you can start making for a healthier you, and a healthier family. You will notice the texture, and flavor that you have in "Cleaner" foods satisfies your palate, and will make the unclean food really start living up to its own title!

SIMPLE START: Go through you cupboards and spice racks. TOSS OUT any and all groceries that have MSG ( aka: Monosodiumglucanate) in its ingredients! MSG is a poisin to our bodies and takes time to get out once it is in! Things you will find MSG in are : Rice-A-Roni, Pasta Roni, Doritos,Pringles (even the ones that say no preservatives!), Seasoning salts, steak rubs, pre-packages seasonings (like Taco seasonings)
* Don't despair! Most spices that have MSG are also made in versions with NO MSG, even in the same brand ( Like Johnny's for example) Farmhouse Pasta Boxes can be switched out for Pasta Ronis, Kettle tias for Doritos...etc. You will feel better and enjoy more tasteful foods by this SIMPLE START!

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